Four Limb Shaped Auricular Chondrocutaneous Composite Graft for the Alar and the Columellar Defects.
Seok Min Yoon, Da Woon Lee, Seung Min Nam, Syeo Young Wee, Hyun Gyo Jeong, Chang Yong Choi
Arch Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2017;23(3):149-154.   Published online 2017 Nov 22     DOI:
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One-stage reconstruction of full-thickness alar defects with a folded nasolabial island flap
Da Woon Lee, Hyeong Rae Ryu, Hwan Jun Choi, Jun Hyuk Kim
Archives of Craniofacial Surgery.2021; 22(6): 296.     CrossRef