Plastic Use of Microdermabrasion: Crystal peeling. |
Dae Hwan Park, Chan Woo Kim, Suk Hee Oh, Dong Suk Kim |
1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu, Korea. 2Goun Plastic Surgery and Skin, Daegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
Crystal peeling is a superficial peeling modality that has become quite popular with our patients and the media. Over a one year period, about 150 patients(600 cases) with grade II-IV skin type were enrolled into this study. They underwent the crystal peeling for acne scar(63 cases), superficial pigmentation inculding melasma(26 cases), fine wrinkle(20 cases), senile lentigo(15 cases), sun-damaged skin(10 caes), traumatic scar(7 cases), keratosis pilaris(5 cases), striae densa(4 cases). The results were documented with before and after photographs and evaluated for clinical improvement. The assessment of treatment was evaluated by 5-point scale (5-stongly agree, 4-agree, 3-neutral, 2-disagree, 1-strongly disagree). Fifty of one hundred fifty patients completed the study with 40%(20/50) excellent results, 34%(17/50) with good results, 16% (8/50) with fair results, and 10%(5/50) with poor results. Almost all patients were pleased with their peel results and would recommend this procedure to others, because this method were non operative, non chemical, non invasive method compared to mechanical peeling, chemical peeling and laser peeling. The use of microdermabrasion appeared to produce a positive effect on the improvement of skin. We consider this method very useful in dermatosurgery and plastic surgery, very satisfactory to the patients and to the doctors. |
Key Words:
Crystal peeling |